Thursday 27 October 2011

The Soy Sauce Remedy

My body seems to be in some sort of chemical nightmare state, and has been for many years. I can't remember the last time I felt completely rested and fully in touch with the world for longer than a few hours.

I don't take drugs, and I hardly drink. Whenever I mention this to a doctor they instantly test me for diabetes with univarsally negative reults (i.e. I am not diabetic). So I have been at a bit of a loss as to what can be done about it.

It is almost certainly something to do with food intake. If I take care only to cook my own food with fresh ingrediants, and keep this up, things are noticeably better after a few days. But, despite my best efforts, I don't ever seem to keep it up for more than a couple of weeks before I 'run out of time' to cook things. Then, once I start on prepared foods, it all goes down hill again. Because of the constant tiredness and disorientation, I am eating more than I ought to in an effort to give my body the chemicals it needs to function properly - though my weight is stable (but still too high).

Well, I put 'run out of time' in inverted commas because I am sure I could find to time to cook every day, but I end up choosing not to. Right now, I am at the start of a session to cook again so hopefully things will get better. We shall see. The goal is to keep this up for a prolonged period and see how much difference it makes. This will definitely cut into my 'time-wasting' time as I will need that to prepare the food.

So the goals are:

1. Stop wasting so much time.
2. Cook good food
3. Get better.

"But what", you say, "does all this have to do with soy sauce?".

Well, for some reason, it seems to help. A lot. When I am feeling clumsy and out of touch with the world, a small amount of soy sauce (specifically LIGHT soy sauce) with my food has a pretty immediate effect in getting my body parts working in synchronisation again and getting me to feel less out of phase with everything. This may all be complete bunkum, of course, and the efficacy entirely in my mind, but I'm going to keep going with it because, for me, it makes a big difference.

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